Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

I have just woken up.
Today is Election Day, Nov. 4th.
and I am a little bit nervous.

I have always been politically active, but this is my first election. I voted for Barack Hussein Obama. I hope he becomes our president.

As we go through the day today, I am praying and hoping that Barack does become the president of our nation, because...well...the alternative terrifies me.

During this next presidential term, I will progress further into my adult life. I want change in this country-so I can know that it is safe for me to begin raising children and starting a family. In a nation without war, in a nation free from prejudice, in a nation that cares about the earth. Now, I'm not planning on popping out kids as soon as Obama takes office, but...I guess my own adult life is looming on the horizon, it's tangible now. The results of this election will have a significant impact on how that adult life plays out.

ugh. Off to work.

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