Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ani Difranco is performing at HIGHER GROUND!
oh my lord.
i need to get a contingency to Burlington.

in other news...
I do make poor choices,
but people who are not involved in or effected by those choices need to keep their fucking mouths shut. especially if those same people are guilty of the same crime.

there is one person who has every right to talk shit, be mean, yell and scream at me. One. that is the person who was horrendously wronged in this situation. I take full responsibility for my actions. I am sick to my stomach with guilt. That one person has the right to say whatever they want about me.

other people, particularly people who have on a regular basis committed the same offense I have, with NO remorse, and not ONE shred of honesty, don't have any right to say shit. So they should keep that in mind. Stop being a hypocrite.

I apologize for my language. But I'm upset and I'm resisting the urge to punch a bitch in the face.

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