Sunday, December 14, 2008

the people of 2008

inspired as i ever am by Barbara Walters, I've been thinking a lot about the past year, and who MY most amazing people of 2008 were. There have been a lot of people in my life, and I want to thank everyone, even those I may not write about directly, for the profound influence you have had on me in the past year. And now to the list.
  1. Caroline Marie Beranek: As always, you are my best friend and my world. You are there for me no matter what. We both are stubborn and stupid, but most importantly, we love eachother. I'd be lost without you, girl.
  2. Stacey Bushey: I am so grateful that you have become my friend this year. You are a rock in my life, more than I think you'll ever know. You're amazing, and I love you.
  3. Brianna McGarril: You are one of the most genuine people I've ever met. Having you in my life has been the most amazing thing ever.
  4. Laura Elizabeth Maki: YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. You are my roommate (basically for life), and you know me way to well. Thank you for always being there, and for always being honest with me.
  5. Rachel Worrell: You are possibly the nicest human being I have ever known. You give so much of yourself to everyone, and I thank you so much for that.
  6. Chris Ricker: You know. You know. We are both assholes, but you lift me up when I'm feeling down, and for that I thank you always.
  7. Derek Gavelis: Despite everything, I thank you for what you've done. I'm my own person now, more than I was before. You are a good man, and I will always stand by that.
  8. Lauren Laws: Astwo. You got me through the summer, and you are a light in my life. I love you girl.
  9. Jack Pennington: I miss you. You shaped my year in more ways than I think I will ever realize on my own. You left a wake, baby.
  10. John Gaeddert: I love you kid. There is no one in the world I would rather read Bukowski and watch James Dean with. You're one of the most insightful human beings I've ever met, and I'm lucky to know you.
  11. Ukiah Pearson: Whoooah buddy. I miss you too. It seems like our lives are getting hectic and we're becoming grown ups. But our paths will cross again soon, and we'll have ridiculous times again.
  12. Jeff & Edgar: While you each hold a special place in my heart, I can't think of one of you with out the other. You two are magical, and you give me faith in men. You are the best. Period.
  13. Joshy: Let's go streaking?
  14. Melissa Theil-Stenson: Moose. You are my hero.
there are many people in my life that I didn't mention, not because I don't love you, just because the words aren't as easy to write as I thought they would be. I love you all always, thank you for everything.

here's to 2009?

Now playing: Feist - Mushaboom
via FoxyTunes

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